
The mystery of unlocking origins humans and their DNA seems so close at times yet in reality is still so far out of man reach. Although it will take many years to come to full terms (If we ever) with understanding the origins of humans, and how we came to evolving and be what we are today, each year we still are able to achieve a bit more knowledge than before.  Each year we learn that we are share more DNA then just monkeys and fish. Through genetic sequencing and code we have come find out we share similarities with clammiest of things. In fact it has come to knowledge that humans share DNA with even the weirdest things, like bananas.

As strange as it sounds, it’s true. We are known to share about 50% of the shame genetic code. Now this is not saying that we as humans are literally half banana/half human. We only share some of similar genetic coding. In fact nearly all humans share about 99% of the same DNA with one another, 98% with it comes to chimpanzees, 80% when it comes to cows, 60% to a fruit fly, and 50% total to bananas.

All living organisms on earth have complex genetic sequences and coding. Genetic sequences can lead up to hundred thousands and beyond. However, just because organism has more genes that don’t determined the level of evolution or intelligence. For example chickens have about 23,000 genes, while humans have about 25,000-30,000 genes. Which at first would think, “Well of course, we as humans are so much more complex and intelligent then some chicken.” Until you come to find out that a single ear of corn has about 59,000 genes alone. Which by no means justify this as being more advance then humans has as far as intellect. But this may justify an ear of corn in being more evolved than humans in the fact that they have probably gone those more genetic changes through out the years then humans.


2 thoughts on “Bananas?

  1. When i was scrolling through the post, this picture was too important for me not to pass it up. After reading it, I’m pretty glad I did. I had no clue that people share 50% of their genetic code with bananas that’s truly amazing. That makes me kind of wonder what genes we actually do share with them and if they did share more of ours how they would be. Because I don’t see any bananas creating any atomic bombs or creating space shuttles. Thank god for that.

  2. That picture is disturbing… this is what a half human, half banana would look like huh? I think genetic code is a very intriguing topic though I dont know nearly enough about it to have an intelligible conversation. But I do think it’s fascinating that an ear of corn could be a more evolved piece of life than a human. That is something to laugh about. 🙂
    -Spencer Curtis

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